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03/25/11 10:03 PM #1    


Jackie Benning (Proffitt)

Welcome to the Nathan Hale High School Class Of 1982 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

04/15/12 01:48 PM #2    


Melanie Crockett (Blocker)

What the heck, I'll start!  I'm looking forward to the reunion in July!!  Do we have any special requests/suggestions for this year?  Questions, comments??

04/16/12 08:29 AM #3    


Tracy Lynn Collins (Searcy)

Can we please have Carmen's Zumba class do the Chicken Dance at the Aquarium?? ;)  Just kidding.... sort of...

Actually I'm very much looking forward to seeing everyone.  Lots of friends on Facebook these days, which is great.  But getting together is going to be so much better!

See you guys soon!!


04/16/12 07:45 PM #4    


Shelly Ann Hayes (Beck)

I cannot believe it is our 40th already! I hope that we can get together let me know if I can help!!

04/16/12 11:00 PM #5    


Melanie Crockett (Blocker)

We need a "like" button on this site!  :)

05/03/12 03:43 PM #6    

Stephanie R. Day (Upton)


05/26/12 09:38 PM #7    

Terri Fath (Bunker)

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone also. Your so funny Stephanie! I'm still short too, but not as short as my big sister! I sent Jackie a message trying to figureout what time each event is, but I forgot to ask about the dress atire. Are we going formal, semi formal, or casual. If it's in the evening I doubt I would want to wear shorts, but during the day if we are outside jeans would be too hot. If we are doing formal I'll have to se what still fits!! Haha I haven't done formal in a long time!
Everyone let me know so I will fit in. Although I could go all out hippie & make a total clown out of myself! I'm good at that! I like to make people laugh at me! I'm getting excited!
Thanks Jackie & Melanie for all your hard work setting this up!

05/28/12 09:02 PM #8    


L. Michele Nelson

Terri - For Saturday, the attire is pretty much business casual to cocktail attire, was what we were thinking.  So, for guys, slacks or Dockers with a nice shirt, and for us ladies, pretty much anything from slacks or skirts with a blouse or sweater to sundresses.  Nothing too fussy or too formal.  For Sunday, definitely shorts, since it will be outside at the park in July.  Not sure what time we will kick things off on Saturday night but probably around 7 to about 11 or midnight -- can't remember how late we have the Aquarium.  Sunday will probably be from around noon or 1:00 to about 4.

Can't wait to see everybody!

05/29/12 05:30 PM #9    

Terri Fath (Bunker)

Thanks so much Michele! I definately need a new pair of shoes! My Dr won't let me wear heals anymore & I'm not about to wear my tennis shoes! Haha

12/14/21 11:06 AM #10    

David Richard Laney

If there are 20th Reunion pics that anyone has, it would be great if we can get them posted, thanks!

05/02/23 09:56 AM #11    

David Richard Laney

Mark Long passed away on April 28th from complications of a heart attack from the week prior.  Mark attended Fulton Elementary, Skelly Jr. High and Nathan Hale HS.  He was a resident of Scottsdale, Arizona.  He played in a 10 piece rock cover band that was named after him, played 5 different instruments.  He is survived by his wife, and two brothers, Steve and Ryan, they lived on 32nd place in the Longview Lake Estates subdivision.

07/09/24 11:05 PM #12    


Bradley A. Wilson

What's up in 2024?! Miss you all!

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